service request — paslaugos reikalavimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. service demand; service request vok. Anforderung für Bedienung, f; Servise Anfrage, f rus. запрос на обслуживание, m pranc. demande de service, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Service request management — A key component of an actionable ITIL service catalog, service request management (SRM) is the underlying workflow and processes that enable an IT procurement or service request to be reliably submitted, routed, approved, monitored and delivered … Wikipedia
Service Request — Die IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) ist eine Sammlung von Good Practices in einer Reihe von Publikationen, die eine mögliche Umsetzung eines IT Service Managements (ITSM) beschreiben und inzwischen international als De facto Standard hierfür… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Special Service Request (SSR) Codes — Special Service Requests (SSRs) are used by airlines to capture information about special meal requests, special baggage handling requests, unanccompanied minors, and disabled passengers, among other things. Some SSR codes are used across the air … Wikipedia
Business Service Request — Open Application Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt großer Unternehmen vorwiegend der IT Branche zur Integration von Anwendungen innerhalb eines Unternehmens und über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg. OAGIS stützt sich … Deutsch Wikipedia
Service Oriented Programming — (SOP) is a programming paradigm that uses services as the unit of computer work, to design and implement integrated business applications and mission critical software programs. Services can represent steps of business processes and thus one of… … Wikipedia
Service Desk (ITSM) — A Service Desk is a primary IT capability called for in IT Service Management (ITSM) as defined by the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). It is intended to provide a Single Point of Contact ( SPOC ) to meet the communications… … Wikipedia
service demand — paslaugos reikalavimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. service demand; service request vok. Anforderung für Bedienung, f; Servise Anfrage, f rus. запрос на обслуживание, m pranc. demande de service, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Service Access Point — (auch Dienstzugangspunkt) ist ein Fachbegriff aus der Telekommunikation. Man bezeichnet damit die Schnittstelle zur Interaktion mit einer Kommunikationsschicht an der oberen Grenze selbiger Schicht. Traditionell modelliert man in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Request-response — Request response, also known as request reply, is a message exchange pattern in which a requestor sends a request message to a replier system which receives and processes the request, ultimately returning a message in response. This is a simple,… … Wikipedia
Service of process — is the procedure employed to give legal notice to a person (such as a defendant) of a court or administrative body s exercise of its jurisdiction over that person so as to enable that person to respond to the proceeding before the court, body or… … Wikipedia